Essential Oil of the Week: Armoise Mugwort
Armoise Mugwort, or Artimisia Alba, originated in India and Morocco. Its essential oil is steam distilled from the leaves and flowers of the mugwort plant, a very popular plant for medicinal purposes with reddish purple stems and reddish brown flowers that sprout in the summer.
The color of Armoise Mugwort essential oil is usually dark yellow and of thin consistency, and it has a really strong and powerful aroma-- fresh, green, camphoraceous, and almost bittersweet. Because of this, it blends well with other herbaceous oils like patchouli, lavender, rosemary, and pine.
It is reputed to have anti-spasmodic, carminative, diuretic, and stimulant
Blends well with: Patchouli, Lavender, Rosemary, Pine, Clary Sage and Cedarwood .
Common Uses: The chemical structure of Armoise Mugwort includes thujone, and is reputed to have anti-spasmodic, carminative, diuretic, and stimulant properties. Historically, it has been used to expel worms, control fever and for digestive disturbances.
History: Also known as White Wormwood, the herb has been used throughout Europe, Asia, and the Mediterranean basin.